Young Professionals Fresh Ideas Poster Contest
The Fresh Ideas Poster Competition is hosted annually at the Indiana Section AWWA (INAWWA) Annual Conference by the Young Professionals (YP) Committee. Any student or young professional willing to present a project (poster) that addresses a total water solution-related research or project can submit an abstract. Total Water Solutions includes: water, wastewater, stormwater, reuse, water resources, conservation, water quality, financial and asset management.
Posters will be on display during the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday, January 28 at the conference. Judging will take place that morning, where presenters must be available at their poster to answer questions related to their project. The winner will be announced at our Awards and Business luncheon that day.
Selection Criteria:
- Technical Content: Awarded for application of sound engineering or scientific principles resulting in vibrant solutions.
- Benefit to the Drinking Water Industry: Awarded for poster topics that provide the most benefits to the drinking water industry.
- Research Approach: Experimental set-up and conditions should be appropriate for testing research hypotheses and should follow a logical sequence.
- Benefits and Significance: Actual benefits and widespread applications should be reported.
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