INAWWA and IRWA to Join Forces: the Voice for Indiana Water 

The Indiana Rural Water Association (IRWA) has entered into an agreement to join forces with the Indiana Section of the American Water Works Association (INAWWA). When our agreement takes effect in February 2020, our organization will be the Indiana Section of the American Water Works Association (INAWWA).

We are bringing together two strong organizations with a long history of collaboration. It will build on our strengths, allowing us to provide systems of all sizes with increased programming, training, and technical assistance. This means more education about total water solutions for water, wastewater, and storm water utilities, support personnel, utility boards, and local elected officials in our communities. Our combined organization will continue to offer grants and scholarships, including the Gambold Education Fund and AWWA grants.

Together, we are the Voice for Indiana Water.

To learn more about us, please check out our fact sheet. 


Our Vendors:

We appreciate the generous support of or vendors. If you have questions about your membership, please contact Monique Riggs (317-372-9864) or Staci Orr (317-402-7349).

Questions about your membership?

Please contact: Erich Nugent, Chair of the INAWWA Membership Committee (317-407-7616)

General questions?

Please contact:

Staci Orr, 317-402-7349

Dawn Keyler – 866-213-2796

Monique Riggs – 317-372-9864