2021 Central District Fall Meeting- Webinars November 9, 2021 Name* First Last Email* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*(WT & WWT) (1/2 Hour) IDEM Updates Presented by Matt Prater, IDEM (Vol.2) Quantity Price: $12.50 Quantity (WT & WWG)(1/2 Hour)Success of WTP Improvement Projects Using the Design-Build Project Delivery Approach Presented By Amanda Canida; Black and Veatch (Vol.2) Quantity Price: $12.50 Quantity (WT & WWG)(1/2 Hour) Valve Maintenance Presented by Tyler Lucas; American Flow Control Rep (Vol.2) Quantity Price: $12.50 Quantity (WT & WWG) New Lead and Copper Rule Seminar Presented by Kurt Wanninger; Wessler Engineering (Vol.2) Quantity Price: $12.50 Quantity (WT & WWT)Lead & Copper Rule Revisions Presented by Stacy Jones, IDEM (Vol.1) Quantity Price: $25.00 Quantity (WT & WWG) Central Indiana Regional Groundwater Study Presented by Jack Wittman, INTERA (Vol.1) Quantity Price: $25.00 Quantity (WT & WWT) Risk & Resiliency Assessments & Emergency Response Plans Presented by Jaimie Foreman, Carmel Water (Vol.1) Quantity Price: $25.00 Quantity (WT & WWG) The Economics of Water Loss Presented by Jeff Cunningham, M.E. Simpson (Vol.1) Quantity Price: $25.00 Quantity Please Provide License(s) NumberWould you like a copy of your CEU form?*No Thank youEmailMail Subtotal $0.00 Options $0.00 Total $0.00 2021 Central District Fall Meeting- Webinars quantity Add to cart